AlamoFORWARD Draft Page

Alamo Colleges District’s Strategic Plan

The Alamo Colleges District Board of Trustees has approved the new priorities and goals that will anchor AlamoFORWARD, our new strategic plan for the next five years.

Over the past several months, the district has undergone a comprehensive strategic planning process to reach this significant milestone. This process included gathering feedback from over 200 individuals within the district community – faculty, staff, students, community representatives, and members of the Board of Trustees.

As the district moves forward, this page will serve as a hub for updates on AlamoFORWARD. At the core of AlamoFORWARD are four key priorities that align with the district’s mission, vision, and values. These priorities are designed to drive the Alamo Colleges District toward its moonshot: partnering to end poverty through education and training.

Each priority addresses a critical area of focus to create lasting, measurable impact.

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Propelling our learners’ success from connection through post-completion

  • Goal 1.1
    • Our learners connect to and enroll in a learning pathway aligned with their aspirations
  • Goal 1.2
    • Our learners receive quality instruction and career preparation, with the support needed to
      persist along their educational journey
  • Goal 1.3
    • Our learners complete their learning pathways, attaining the desired credentials, transferring to a
      higher education institution, and/or securing a job in a high-opportunity field

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Nurturing a mission-driven workplace that enhances performance, collaboration, and leadership among all our employees

  • Goal 2.1
    • We attract, recruit, and retain exceptional talent to serve our learners and community
  • Goal 2.2
    • We continuously learn and adapt to better serve our learners and community
  • Goal 2.3
    • We partner to create a culture and environment where all employees thrive and are valued

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Strengthening our community through collaboration and service

  • Goal 3.1
    • We engage and collaborate with our stakeholders to address the diverse needs of our learners
  • Goal 3.2
    • We meet the demand for talent in high-opportunity occupations and industries
  • Goal 3.3
    • We leverage our resources, investments, and services to improve our community’s economic and social mobility

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Performance Excellence

Delivering efficient and effective instruction, services and operations

  • Goal 4.1
    • We practice exemplary stewardship through adept policies and procedures and principled governance
  • Goal 4.2
    • Our instructional, operational, and financial processes are efficient, effective, and ensure accountability
  • Goal 4.3
    • Our operations, facilities, and technology are sufficiently resourced to evolve with educational and workforce demands and innovations