First Gen
In 2017, the Council for Opportunity in Education (COE) and the Center for First-Generation Student Success launched the inaugural First-Generation College Celebration. A first-generation college student is a student whose parents/or guardians did not complete a college degree.
This year, First-Gen College Day is on November 8, 2025, and we are planning a great week of events!
Hear from our First Gen Students!Discover the inspiring journeys of our St. Philip's College First Gen students as they become the first in their families to attend college. Their powerful stories of perseverance showcase the profound impact of this journey. |
Resources for First Gen Students
You are not alone! Here is some advice from a few folks who have been in your shoes.
Kristin JacksonI am very proud to be a first-generation Afro-Latina student. My parents never made it to college. It took me 10 years after graduating high school in 2014 to finally come back and chase my dreams in 2024 and alone. It took 1 year to completely change my life and head in the right direction. Sometimes we don’t have a family to look up to, depend on, or receive guidance from. Being a first-gen college student means breaking generational cycles and creating your legacy and I am proud to be doing at SPC! The support is endless! MY ADVICE TO YOU:
Tammy RodriguezI'm going to be honest with you. College can be very challenging at times, especially for a first-generation college student, but it’s filled with teachers and advisors who are really patient with you. I know it's going to be worth it and it will benefit my family and me. I have seen how hard my parents have worked so that motivates me. MY ADVICE TO YOU:
Karleny Jose CoatsVenir de otro país, a un país donde el sistema es completamente diferente y sin dominar el idioma, fue uno de los mayores desafíos que enfrentado. Sin embargo, yo tenía el deseo de superarme y de ser de una ayuda para mi familia. Por eso decidí convertirme en la primera en mi familia en asistir al College. A pesar de mis muchos miedos y de pensar que no lo lograría, durante ese tiempo en el College tuve maestro y mentores maravillosos que me alentaron a seguir adelante, recordándome siempre la razón por la cual yo estaba allí. Hoy puedo decir que mis miedos no me limitaron, y por eso hoy me siento orgullosa y bendecida de ser una estudiante del primer año. MY ADVICE TO YOU:
Mike GreenwoodIt’s tough being a first-generation college student. I feel a lot of pressure and I have no one to ask for help at home. However, SPC offers a ton of support at the college. The SPC FYE program is very helpful. I am determined to make it. MY ADVICE TO YOU:
A'mya LottMy experience as a first-generation student on campus so far has been amazing. I’ve made so many friends and connections. They will all help me get through my time here at SPC. I have made connections with different staff allowing me to be more involved and guiding me when it comes to academics. I feel all of this support is making my first year successful. MY ADVICE TO YOU:
Olivia LumbrerazI am grateful to be a first-generation college student. My parents were not able to attend college and my mom was not able to finish high school. When attending college. It is a new language to navigate and can be full of highs and lows, but it is more rewarding when you reach your goal. Success is always around the corner you have to keep reaching for it and you will succeed. MY ADVICE TO YOU:
Dr. Marie-Michelle (Michou) Saint HubertI am proud of being a FIRST GEN student and my mother’s wildest dream. She was born in Haiti and came to America, leaving her husband and five children to pursue a better life for her family in America. She also had me later in life, and could not grasp my desire to be an engineer. There weren’t female engineers when I was born. Thus, I inherited the cloak of doubt and fear. Furthermore, I perceived my roadblocks, becoming a mother at 19 and almost homeless, as confirmations of why I should not be an engineer. Everything changed when I shifted my mindset from I CANNOT to I CAN and reframed my so‐called ‘failures.’ Not only did I graduate, I went on to earn my doctorate in Biomedical Engineering. I started teaching at St. Philip’s College immediately to encourage, inspire, and empower students to pursue their educational dreams. MY ADVICE TO YOU:
Tommy SanchezHonestly thinking about it, going through so much growing up, jumping from foster care to foster homes, then finally having a family take me and my brother in, I thought I'd never really make it. I was giving up. But the family that I have now gave me so much support. They pushed me to do great things. I made a few mistakes in high school, but without them (my family), I never thought I would make it to be the first gen to go to college and I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for them. I'm going to continue to do great things and college is going to help me accomplish my life goals. MY ADVICE TO YOU:
Nicole SemikI am extremely proud to say that I am not only the first generation of my family to go to college, but I am also the first generation born in America. English was not my first language and was not the language that was spoken at home, therefore I had to learn it quickly before starting school. My family sacrificed a lot when they left Europe and I wanted to make them proud. I was a high achiever and constantly sought out more clubs and organizations that I could participate in and learn from. I consider myself a life-long learner and still seek out ways to continue my education and add more to my skill set. My goal is to educate and empower others to be successful and follow their dreams. MY ADVICE TO YOU:
Varryron YoungMy father, who graduated high school, and my mother, who completed only a year and a half of college, instilled education into my siblings and me. I attended college for four semesters and decided that was not the path I wanted to take then. After joining the military, I never thought I would go back to becoming a college graduate. After doing so, I can genuinely say that I have accomplished what most have and may not ever accomplish, and that is graduating from college with a bachelor’s and master’s degree. My journey to being a first-generation graduate has genuinely been a blessing. It is also something that I never really thought about. But, after realizing what it means to be a first-generation college graduate, I can say it is truly an honor! This accomplishment has been such a blessing that my current role as Associate Director for Student Success-Student Life allows me to motivate and guide future first-generation college students. MY ADVICE TO YOU:
Vanessa SimsTo be a first-generation college graduate is a true blessing. My mom didn’t get the opportunity to finish college, and she had to work two jobs to give me everything I needed and most of what I wanted. I was very independent on my educational journey, and although I had her support, I felt lost at times, but I always asked for help and never got discouraged. I truly believe I am EXACTLY where I am supposed to be-assisting and supporting students. MY ADVICE TO YOU:
Marissa RamirezWhen my parents brought our family to the United States, they sacrificed everything to give me and my brother an opportunity at a better life and even though they had to drop out of school in the 5th grade, they knew that education would be the key to our success. They supported and encouraged us as we struggled learning English and adapting to a different culture. As a first-generation college student, I often felt lost and under-prepared, but I was determined to succeed and honor my parent’s sacrifice. My path, as is for many First-Gen college students, was full of challenges and sacrifice. In the end though, education changed my life and that of my family. Now, I have made it my life’s work to use that education to help make the world a better place and to support & encourage those who are just beginning their own journeys. MY ADVICE TO YOU:
John OronaThinking back, exploring different and broad experiences allowed me to find an exciting career pathway that fit my interest. As a first gen student, it was college-going opportunities and experiences that ignited my career field and interest to work with others towards common goals. Invest time in your education, and skills, and take advantage of learning new and different experiences. Not only will it benefit you, but generations after you. MY ADVICE TO YOU:
Liz CastilloOne of the things I am most proud of is being a first-generation college graduate. It wasn't always easy and I felt lost more than a few times but I kept asking questions and I am so glad I did. My grandparents weren't even able to go to school so I think it's amazing that two generations later, I have a graduate degree. MY ADVICE TO YOU:
Christina CortezI am extremely proud to be a first-generation college student. The navigation of college is not easy however anything is achievable if you believe you are capable. To this date…I am overwhelmed with the impact I have made in both my life and others by going to college. What I am most proud of is the foundation that I have established for my children and their futures. MY ADVICE TO YOU:
Chris BeardsallI’m proud of being a first-generation graduate because it helped me overcome fears and self–doubt, as well as opening doors to me I never thought imaginable. When I dropped out of high school at the age of 16, to work and help my parents financially, I never imagined I’d go back to school and earn a graduate degree. However, I would have never made it through had I not taken advantage of as many of the support programs as the colleges had to offer, like tutoring, and scholarships. MY ADVICE TO YOU:
Dr. Tomeka C. WilsonAs a First-Gen, I understood the importance of URGENCY and committing to complete because it was never about me. It was for generations to come, including YOU. MY ADVICE TO YOU:
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