SAC Professor De Hoyos O’Connor appointed to Workforce Solutions Alamo board

February 4, 2022

Ana De Hoyos O’Connor, a professor in the early childhood studies program at San Antonio College and community coordinator for SAC’s early childhood studies program, was selected to serve on the board of directors for Workforce Solutions Alamo.

Ana DeHoyos OConnor web.jpgWorkforce Solutions Alamo (WSA) serves as the governing board for the regional workforce system, a network of service providers and contractors that connects people to job opportunities. The organization represents residents of the 13-county Alamo region that includes Atascosa, Bandera, Bexar, Comal, Frio, Gillespie, Guadalupe, Karnes, Kendall, Kerr, McMullen, Medina and Wilson counties.

The WSA board is comprised of 25 community leaders that reflect the diverse constituencies of the regional community, including business, economic development, education, labor, community organizations and government.

De Hoyos O’Connor will serve as chair of the board’s child care committee, which is focused on improving the quality of child care and early childcare education in the 13-county region that the board oversees.

“Our goal is to continue to maintain and also enhance the quality of more than 600 centers and day homes around San Antonio and surrounding counties,” De Hoyos O’Connor said.

De Hoyos O’Connor became a professor of early childhood studies at SAC in 2008, following seven years of serving as an instructor in the program. Her experience includes working with early intervention programs, Head Start, childcare programs and afterschool programs.  She has worked with young children from birth to age eight as a classroom lead teacher and as a demonstration teacher. 

She presents training to teachers, administrators and parents locally, nationally and internationally. 

De Hoyos O’Connor is a graduate of the child development program at San Antonio College. She earned a bachelor’s degree in child development and education at the University of the Incarnate Word and a master’s degree in education at the University of Texas San Antonio.