Advising PIN FAQs

March 5, 2021


Advising PIN FAQs

So you've tried to register for classes, received a notification that you have a PIN hold, and have no idea what that means! Review this FAQ page to understand what a PIN is and what steps you need to take in order to have your PIN hold released.


What is an Advising PIN?

An Advising PIN is a unique six-digit number that unlocks registration for students once they successfully complete 15, 30, or 45 hours of classes

Why do I have an Advising PIN?

You will receive an Advising PIN three times in your SAC academic career; when you successfully complete 15, 30, and 45 college credit hours. For your PIN to be released, you are expected to discuss with your assigned advisor your Student Academic Advising Plan, which can be found in

your Advising syllabus:

How do I get my Advising PIN?

Once your Mission Statement and your Individual Success Plan have both been updated in the system, you can do one of the following:

  • Schedule a meeting with your assigned Certified Advisor by visiting Navigate, which is found in ACES
  • Contact the Advising Department at 
Is the Advising PIN issued every semester?

The Advising PIN is issued to students who have reached the 15, 30, or 45 hour milestone for Fall or Spring registration.  A PIN is currently not issued for Summer registration.

Will I use this same Advising PIN every semester?

No. The PIN is milestone-e and semester-specific.  Your Advising PIN at the 15, 30 and 45 hour milestones will all be different numbers.

Does every student have an Advising PIN?

No, not all students are issued an Advising PIN.  The Advising PIN is issued based on a student completing 15, 30, and 45 college-credit hours ahead of registration for Fall or Spring.