

Teach courses in drama, music, and the arts including fine and applied art, such as painting and sculpture, or design and crafts. Includes both teachers primarily engaged in teaching and those who do a combination of teaching and research.

Jobs available locally


Demand Locally

+1 %

Annual Wage Range

$50,998 – $214,067

Plan, direct, or coordinate medically-approved recreation programs for patients in hospitals, nursing homes, or other institutions. Activities include sports, trips, dramatics, social activities, and crafts. May assess a patient condition and recommend appropriate recreational activity.

Jobs available locally


Demand Locally

+2 %

Annual Wage Range

$36,753 – $86,673

Design strategies for enterprise databases, data warehouse systems, and multidimensional networks. Set standards for database operations, programming, query processes, and security. Model, design, and construct large relational databases or data warehouses. Create and optimize data models for warehouse infrastructure and workflow. Integrate new systems with existing warehouse structure and refine system performance and functionality.

Jobs available locally


Demand Locally

+2 %

Annual Wage Range

$88,261 – $174,737

Program Level:

Degrees, Pre-Majors/Transfer


Fine & Performing Arts/Speech Communication


Creative & Communication Arts



What is the drama program?

About the program

The Drama program provides an immersive experience into the world of the theatre arts with opportunities for students to perform, design, build, and run theatrical productions.

Theatre opens a window into a better understanding of the human condition. Pursuing a degree in theatre arts provides many opportunities for students. Studying theatre can prepare students for a career in law, teaching, design, film, television, counseling, and many others. Studies have shown that a strong arts education empowers people to be high-performers in various fields of study and career paths. Exposure to theatre increases a person’s creativity levels, ability to collaborate, and critical thinking skills. Additionally, students will learn problem solving and increased motor skills.

Teatro Palo Alto

Teatro Palo Alto is the producing arm of the Palo Alto College drama program. There are four shows per season (two shows in the fall semester and two shows in the spring semester). Teatro Palo Alto strives to create high quality theatre experience for the bilingual, multicultural community in south San Antonio.

Learn more 


Drama Program Highlights

Drama courses cover topics across areas of theatrical production, including Acting 1-3, Movement for Actors, Stage Makeup, Theatre Practicum 1-4, and Introduction to Design. Students can earn an Associate of Arts with an emphasis in Drama. The skills learned carry students into any four-year theatre program, as well as a multitude of careers.

Drama Career Areas & Employment Positions

There are theatrical careers like professional directors, actors, designers, and technicians. Our students prepare for these fields through hands-on application of knowledge through the creation of our theatrical productions. Students fill the roles of actors, designers, and technicians on all Teatro Palo Alto shows.

Drama courses offered:

DRAM 1120 - Theatre Practicum I
DRAM 1121 - Theatre Practicum II
DRAM 1310 - Introduction to Theatre - Theatre Appreciation
DRAM 1330 - Stagecraft I
DRAM 1342 - Introduction to Costume
DRAM 1351 - Acting I
DRAM 1352 - Acting II
DRAM 2120 - Theatre Practicum III
DRAM 2121 - Theatre Practicum IV
DRAM 2336 - Voice for the Actor
DRAM 2366 - Film Appreciation

Contact Information

Dr. Rosalinda Ortiz

Chair of Fine, Performing and Communication Arts


Performing Arts Center (PERF 117)

Nicolás Castañon

Assistant Professor of Drama, Lead Drama/Dance Faculty, and Artistic Director of Teatro Palo Alto


Performing Arts Center (PERF 122)

Sergio Gutierrez

Technical Director


Performing Arts Center (PERF 146)

Hunter Baker

Theatre Technician


Performing Arts Center (PERF 146)

Bobby Munoz

Administrative Services Specialist


Performing Arts Center (PERF 118)