Application And Enrollment Steps for Transfer and Former Students

Thank you for your interest in transferring to Northwest Vista College. Below are the enrollment steps and helpful information on NVC’s transfer and grade policies.

Former Students: Previous NVC students who have not attended class for more than 1 year (3 semesters) will need to reapply and complete any applicable enrollment steps prior to registering for classes. 

Students who need assistance with or have questions about the enrollment process are encouraged to contact or visit the Vista Central: Admissions Office. You may speak with an enrollment advisor or use our computer lab to complete your enrollment steps.

 Helpful Tips

  • The enrollment process can take 3-4 weeks from completion of an application through registration. 

Transfer and Former Students

Below are the steps to enroll in classes at Northwest Vista College. Transfer students must attend Wildcat Orientation. Download our enrollment checklist or click each item below for additional information. Contact Vista Central: Admissions with any questions.

Download the Enrollment Checklist

Application and Enrollment Steps

Step 1: Complete and Submit Application For Admission

All students will submit an application through ApplyTexas. Please allow five business days for processing. Once your application is processed, you will receive two emails – a confirmation from ApplyTexas and an email from NVC with instructions on accessing your student portal called ACES.

If you have not received a confirmation email from the Alamo Colleges District after 5 business days, please contact Vista Central and an enrollment advisor can assist you with checking your status and obtaining your ACES credentials.

Submit your ApplyTexas application

Step 2: Log Into ACES Account

After you have received your email from NVC that contains your ACES username, you will need to log in to your ACES account. You may also obtain your username by calling our IT Help Desk. 

Follow the instructions for the default password to log in for the first time.

For technical assistance, contact the Help Desk at 210-486-4777.

Log into your ACES account

Step 3: Activate Your AlamoNAVIGATE Checklist

Once you have created an ACES account and login, click on the "Start Here" tab and then click on "AlamoNAVIGATE" to access your checklist for enrollment.

This personalized checklist will help you track your next steps and show all the items needed for your enrollment with Northwest Vista College.

You'll be able to configure your notifications to receive text messages about important steps!

STEP 4: Submit Transcripts and Documents

Before you can register at one of the colleges of the Alamo Colleges District, we require your official transcripts.

High School Seniors Following Graduation, you must submit an official transcript with TEST SCORES and GRADUATION DATE
Home School Students Submit a notarized transcript of high school equivalent work completed and graduation date.
GED Graduates Submit official GED Certificate with scores from Texas Education Agency (TEA)

Transcripts must be unopened and sealed in their original envelope to be accepted for admissions. 

Step 5: Upload Bacterial Meningitis Documentation (Via ACES)

This step only applies to students under the age of 22.

Shot records must contain:

  • The student's name & date of birth
  • Vaccination Date- vaccine must be administered no less than 10 days prior to the start of term and not older than 5 years old.
  • Vaccination Type or Brand
  • Health Care Professional or Designee’s signature

Providing a receipt from a pharmacy (like CVS or HEB) will not be accepted.

You can use the compliance form for verification

Verification Form

Students will submit documentation in ACES student portal on the “Start Here” tab under the Bacterial Meningitis (BM) section. Please allow up to 2 business days to process. You can check your BM hold on the “My Page” tab and click “Holds”. Contact for more information

Students taking only online classes may submit a waiver form in person at the Records Office.

For more information on complying with the bacterial meningitis law, including applicable waivers, visit

Step 7: Course Placement

Satisfy math and writing course placement by submitting your high school transcript for review, scores from the TSI Assessment, SAT or ACT, or proof of successful completion of a college prep course.

Visit AlamoNAVIGATE and click on "Take Your Placement Test" for information on hours, exemptions, and frequently asked questions.

College Prep Courses: For students taking college prep courses in high school, these classes cannot be used to exempt you from placement testing until we have received the final high school transcript. Please speak with the Testing Office for questions.

Visit the Testing Center website

Step 8: Sign Up For Wildcat Orientation

Students must attend a mandatory Wildcat Orientation where students will become familiar with the college campus, learn about campus resources, and select an Advising appointment to meet with and advisor and register for classes.

Note: Wildcat Orientation is for First Time in College Students, Transfer Students, and Returning or Former Students who have been out longer than a year. 

Please note that ALL enrollment steps MUST be completed prior to attending New Student Orientation or you will not be permitted to remain in the session and will have to reschedule for a new date.

After registering for courses, students are responsible for securing their financial aid, securing their Veterans Benefits, or paying for classes out of pocket, either all in one payment, or on a payment plan.

Payment deadlines are always on Thursdays at 7:30p.m.

Sign Up For Wildcat Orientation


Important Dates and Deadlines

Click on each tab below for more information about deadlines and NVC policies.

Semester Options

New Terms 2022.JPG

Application and Registration Deadlines

Click the link below and select the "Registration" calendar for the semester you are interested in applying for. You will be able to view the start and end dates for the Apply Texas application and for self-registration for courses.

Application and Registration Dates

Payment Deadlines

Students who do not pay for their courses by the payment deadline will be dropped for non-payment.

Students may choose to pay for their classes all in one installment or sign up for a payment plan.

Students using Financial Aid should verify that their financial aid checklist has been completed through their ACES account.

For more information about how to pay your tuition, signing up for a payment plan, or payment deadlines, visit the Business Office.

After the initial payment due date has passed, payment arrangements are due at registration. Purge for non-payment will run on the Sunday night following registration.

Click the link below and click on the "Registration and Payment Deadlines" calendar for the semester you are enrolling for.

Payment and Payment Plan Deadlines

First Day of Classes

Click on the link below and select the "Academic Calendar" for the semester you are applying for.

Please note that Northwest Vista College offers multiple start dates throughout the semesters, so be sure to look at the correct term.

Fall and Spring Terms: 16 week courses, Flex I, and Flex II
Summer Terms: Maymester, Summer I, Summer II, and Summer 8

First Day of Classes