Kristin Sramek

About Kristin Sramek
Institute: Health and BioSciences
PhD. Military Health Psychology
M.A. Health Psychology
Texas State University
B.A. Psychology
Trinity University
All Students
Kristin Sramek is a research psychologist and advocate of health and wellness in San Antonio, Texas. The biopsychosocial model is the cornerstone of her work including research on the relationships between chronic pain and psychosocial trauma, humility and anxiety, and chronic pain among veterans.
She has also overseen publicly available psychoeducation courses on the importance of health behaviors that she helped tailor to BIPOC individuals with diabetes, worked to ensure individuals with disabilities resulting from chronic illness and disease receive benefits and access community resources, and contributed to research on the efficacy of mindfulness meditation among women who have experienced domestic violence as well as acculturative stress as a contributing factor to preterm birth among Hispanic women in South Texas.
She has taught courses in developmental, abnormal, and health psychology and authored statistics questions for textbooks. Most recently she has collaborated on research among veterans with mild traumatic brain injury and focused on health and wellness teaching and research through a course she developed in health psychology emphasizing the bidirectional relationships between general physical health, sleep, mood, diet, and exercise, in the context of demographic variables.
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