Cristina Pandaru

About Cristina Pandaru
Institute: Business and Entrepreneurship
M.A. | Finance | University of Texas at San Antonio
M.A. | Economics | University of Texas at San Antonio
B.A. | Economics | Trinity University
Only students I select.
I was born and raised in Romania (you probably noticed my accent if you met me in person :), and came to this great country to pursue my education 24 years ago. My passion for economics started back in the days while growing up in a command and control economy lead by the Communist Party whose main goal was to gain total dominance (economic, psychological, social) over the entire country’s population.
I love, love, love teaching economics at NVC. I was born and raised in Romania (you probably noticed my accent if you met me in person :), and came to this great country to pursue my education 25 years ago. My passion for economics started back in the days while growing up in a command and control economy lead by the Communist Party whose main goal was to gain total dominance (economic, psychological, social) over the entire country’s population. To make a long story short, after the fall of the communist regime in a very bloody revolution I was amazed at the economic prosperity that market oriented economies like Western Europe and US enjoyed. I got really puzzled about how some countries develop, grow, and prosper economically and others-although endowed with a wealth of natural resources-still have the same standard of living as they did generations ago. I completed my undergraduate degree in Economics at Trinity University, and my graduate studies (M.A. in Economics and M.S. Finance) at UTSA. My teaching career started at UTSA (taught economics and finance) and I have been teaching only at NVC for the past 16 years. I love it here and you, students are the best part of my job! My greatest achievement is becoming a U.S. citizen on August 31, 2013; what a great honor!