Dr. Charles Yeager

About Dr. Charles Yeager
Institute: Science & Technology
PhD Geography, Indiana State University
M.S. Geography, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
B.A. Geography, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
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I’ve been involved in mentoring students since I was in graduate school, particularly students in applied science fields. In addition to teaching, I’ve held jobs in the private sector and worked on contracts for state and federal governments.
I'm a broadly trained geographer with interests in the spatial aspects of all the social sciences. My doctoral dissertation looked at food deserts in rural areas of the Midwest, and my master's thesis compared the spatial characteristics of punk rock bands from different parts of the country. In addition to teaching geography at NVC, I'm a performing musician who likes to play everything from punk rock and country music.
Committees/Clubs and Organizations:
American Association of Geographers Texas Master Naturalist (in progress)