Kelli Bradshaw

About Kelli Bradshaw
Institute: Science & Technology
M.S. | Mathematics|University of Houston - Clear Lake
B.A. | Mathematics|University of Houston - Clear Lake
A.S. | Mathematics|Alvin Community College
Anyone is fine, but I would feel most comfortable advising (1) math majors - especially those looking to teach, and (2) elementary education majors. I can work with anyone though, we can both learn :)
Community college graduate. Taught high school and middle school prior to starting at NVC.
Member of AMATYC
I am a community college graduate myself. I taught high school and middle school before starting at Northwest Vista College in 2004 as an adjunct and 2008 as a full time faculty member. I love teaching at NVC and feel like this is my calling in life. I teach our business math and business calculus classes mostly, so students are surprised when they find out my major was mathematics. I also worked on our Community Math grant so I enjoy working with education majors.