Northeast Lakeview College Breaks Ground on New $7.7M Veterans Center Facility

November 11, 2022

Northeast Lakeview College (NLC) celebrated the beginning of construction on its newest building, an 11,000 sq. foot Veterans Center, with a Groundbreaking Ceremony on November 10. The new Veterans Center will expand services and support to Veteran students and military-affiliated students and their families.

Employees, students, elected officials, and community partners celebrated with college officials. 

About NLC’s new Veterans Center

Receiving continued investments from the 87th Texas Legislature, Northeast Lakeview College (NLC) is the newest site for a Veterans Center within the Alamo Colleges District (ACD). Awarded $7.7 million for a new Veterans Center, the funds are part of the State of Texas appropriations provided to the Alamo Colleges for the 2022-2023 biennium. Senators Donna Campbell (Dist. 25) and José Menéndez (Dist. 26) along with Representative Ina Minjarez (Dist. 124) championed this critical funding for veteran students at the Alamo Colleges.

Northeast Lakeview College now begins constructing a building dedicated to providing services to active and retired military and their families that will provide a “one-stop” location offering a convenient central place for them to have direct access to academic and non-academic services such as:

  • Increasing Veteran specific orientations, academic and nonacademic programming
  • Enhancing career planning, training, job assistance search, and transitional services
  • Re-establishing a Veteran mentoring program that matches incoming Veterans with current students to support the transition process from military life to academia.
  • Incorporating private meeting spaces to discuss confidential matters such as disability claims, benefits, veteran-specific advocacy and emergency services, and legal services
  • Offering community space to host organizations and other events that support Veterans such as faculty support in the classroom, military culture, and learning styles.
  • More details on the building or for building renderings and photos from the ceremony, visit

“As the need for veteran services continues to grow, this stand-alone facility will create the best possible environment to support Northeast Lakeview College student Veterans and their families and provide the opportunity for us to expand and enhance the services we currently offer, says Dr. Veronica Garcia, NLC president. “We are located in one of the fastest growing regions in the state and with Joint Base San Antonio (JBSA) Randolph as a neighbor, it is important that we provide quality veteran support services that increase access to education in the communities that we serve. I would like to thank Senator Donna Campbell (Dist. 25) for her continued support of Northeast Lakeview College and its students.”

The new Veterans Center building will be constructed between the Brazos Student Union and the Fine Arts Building map here

Construction on the building is expected to be completed in Fall of 2024.

Additionally, during the groundbreaking, NLC was officially recognized by the Texas Veterans Commission for receiving the Gold 2022 Veterans Education Excellence Recognition Award (VEERA). The Texas State Legislature established the VEERA program to recognize public colleges and universities for their excellence in providing education and related services to veterans and the military-connected community (Tex. Govt. Code § 434.252).