2025 Bond Proposal

Preparing for Growth & Providing Access

With a projected enrollment of 100,000 by 2030, the Alamo Colleges District is committed to increasing access to education and training that aligns with our community and industries.

This focus positions our learners for successful careers and economic mobility in an ever-changing workforce landscape.

Projected Enrollment

Fall 2024


Fall 2029


Preparing for Workforce Development

The Alamo Colleges District, the region's #1 provider of workforce education, partners with industry to offer programs that prepare students for industry jobs that are in demand. 

The bond initiative will align our programming to our region’s key sectors with expansions and new locations including schools and centers focused on the following key sectors:

engineering-icon.png Engineering


tech-icon.png IT/ Cybersecurity / Emerging Technologies
applied-tech-icon.png Applied Technology & Construction Trades
engineering-icon.png Automotive Technology
engineering-icon.png Transportation

Preliminary Bond Breakdown

New & Expanded Programs:

$535 M

Infrastructure: $247 M

Multi-Sector Investments: $205 M

Total: $987 M




Proposed 2025  Bond Projects/Programs



College Building Focus Estimated Budget
Northeast Lakeview College School of Engineering (Science, Engineering, and Technology Building)

Location: NLC
$75 M
San Antonio College Architecture,Drafting and Engineering

Location: SAC

$25 M



IT / Cybersecurity /
Emerging Technologies

College Building Focus Estimated Budget
Northwest Vista College

School of Emerging Technologies (IT Management, Data Science and Cloud Computing)

Location: Port San Antonio

$70 M



Automotive Technology

College Building Focus Estimated Budget
St. Philip's College Center of Automotive Technology

Location: SPC-MLK Campus
$65 M
Palo Alto College Automotive (T-TEN Program) & Heavy Machinery

Location: Brooks

$30 M




College Building Focus Estimated Budget
San Antonio College School of Nursing and Health Professions

Location: Medical Center

$95 M



Applied Technology &
Construction Trades

College Building Focus Estimated Budget
Palo Alto College Center of Applied Technology (Advanced Manufacturing, Heavy Equipment, Welding and Agriculture)

Location: Brooks
$65 M
St. Philip's College Center of Construction Technology

Location: TBD
$50 M
Northeast Lakeview College Career Technical Program Expansion

Location: NLC
$20 M




College Building Focus Estimated Budget
Northeast Lakeview College Innovation Center

Location: Port San Antonio
$30 M
San Antonio College Transportation Training Center

Location: TBD

$10 M



Multi-Sector Investments

Campus Building Focus Estimated Budget
Northwest Vista College Campus Expansion

Location: NVC
$60 M
Northwest ETC Location Expansion for New Academic & Workforce Programs

Location: Northwest ETC
$70 M
North Central ETC Development of Site for New Academic & Workforce Programs

Location: North Central ETC
$75 M




Campus Building Focus Estimated Budget
Districtwide ACCESS Building $50 M
Districtwide Community Conference & Professional
Development Center
$60 M
Districtwide IT / Cybersecurity / DPS $45 M
Districtwide Asset / Land Acquisition / Sustainability $55 M
Project Management Fees $14 M
Districtwide Physical Plant $23 M
  Total $987 M