High School Equivalency

Free High School Equivalency GED® Classes

Our high school equivalency/GED® prep program has several FREE TO YOU course options (AM/PM, face-to-face, Zoom, or self-paced) that are sure to meet your needs, and our team of Career Navigators is here to support you throughout your program.

The program covers all four GED® exam subject areas: mathematics, language arts, social studies, and learners are provided with practice tests and GED® free exam vouchers. Designed with a support system and quality instructors, learners develop the math, writing, reading, and critical thinking skills needed to pass the GED exam and earn a Texas Certificate of High School Equivalency (TxCHSE). As you near completion, we’ll work with you on your next steps to advance your career or college goals.

Earning a GED® credential can have a life-changing impact on learners. GED® grads can make, on average, $9,000 more per year than individuals without a high school credential. There are more than 20 million GED® graduates worldwide, and nearly all employers and colleges accept the GED® credential. Don’t wait, GET STARTED today!

Eligibility Requirements

    • 18 years or older when applying for the program
    • Permitted to work in the U.S.
    • Have a valid photo ID.
    • Willing to take assessments related to barriers, academics, skills aptitude, and workplace readiness
    • Committed to completing the program


View our HSE Schedule


I'm Ready, What's Next?

1. Submit an interest form – GET STARTED.

Complete an Interest Form, and we will follow up with you on your next steps and additional information that will assist you in making decisions to pursue your GED and other academic/career goals.

2. Watch the Application Prep Video.

Watch the Application Prep video, so you are prepared to complete your application and provide the required supporting documentation to verify your eligibility. You’ll also learn the many benefits of the program, the application process, and the required assessments.

3. Attend Smart Choice – HSE

Attending the Smart Choice session is a requirement to be eligible for our no-cost training options. You will complete your application, confirm your eligibility (required documents), meet with your Succes Coach, and take the required assessments in this one-stop session.

Sign-Up  Required Documentation

4. Meet with Your Success Coach.

You’ll need to meet with your Success Coach to review your assessment results, complete your success plan, and confirm your class placement, schedule, and location - get enrolled!



Priscilla De Los Santos

Ready to Work-HSE/HS Diploma
Alamo Adult Education
210-485-0244 (Direct)


Manuel Olivares

Career Trainings /ESL/HSE
New Braunfels Area
Alamo Adult Education


Patricia Ahrens

Career Trainings
Alamo Adult Education
210-485-0925 (Direct)



Sabrina Salazar (SAC)

Ready to Work-HSE/HS Diploma
Alamo Adult Education
210-486-0463 (Direct)

Zaeva Mercado (SPC/EETC)

Ready to Work-HSE/HS Diploma
Alamo Adult Education
210-486-2638 (Direct)

Leticia Aranda (PAC/SETC)

Ready to Work-HSE/HS Diploma
Alamo Adult Education
210-485-0449 (Direct)